
Price display

Product categories


  1. Choose a suitable product
  2. Enter the desired quantity into the box next to the product. Use the “+” icon to increase the quantity of your chosen product and “-” icon to decrease the quantity.
  3. Products can be purchased either individually or in boxes. Choose either “piece” or “box” next to the quantity of the product. NB! Some products are available for purchase only in boxes.
  4. “Add to basket” adds the requested product into your shopping basket.
  5. The list of products currently in your shopping basket is available by clicking the shopping basket icon on the top right of your screen. You can change the quantities of the products currently in your shopping basket by entering the new desired quantity into the box. Products can be removed from the basket when you press the icon of a cross in front of the row. Press “Update basket” to save the changes to your shopping basket.
  6. Please contact our office at when we do not have your desired quantity of products in stock at the moment.
  7. Proceed with your order by filling out the necessary data about yourself and the chosen method of delivery. Please make sure to fill out all obligatory fields marked with asterisks. Make sure that the phone number and address you have entered are correct because the quick and swift delivery of your products depends on the accuracy of the information you have provided us.
  8. The sale agreement is considered to be concluded (entry into force) upon receipt of the amount payable on the basis of the order confirmation on the bank account of Ristart AS, Swedbank EE262200221001124395.
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